Monday, December 27, 2010

Breaking up

A guy just sent his girl a text saying "it's over, i never want to kiss you" then no response so like 2 min. he called her "Did you get my text?" no "Go read it" **he hangs up**
Calls back
"I don't even want to be friends, the only reason i went out with you is because you are ugly and i felt bad for you"
She was crying
she hung up
He is trying to call her again
The other day he was talking about how he was playin her and how ugly she is

Just curious but how does a guy do that? Esp. you are only 14. That is soo rude and horrible... I am in awe i have no idea what to say

Saturday, December 25, 2010

In Love

The way you make me feel
my heart races like I'm on the good stuff
my tummy flutters like no other
you just don't understand
you make me feel better than anyone has ever
you make me feel things I have never felt
baby, If I ever had to describe what being in love felt like
I'd describe it as how you make me feel.
In love.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Disgusted with the world

What's wrong with people you know someone is taken yet you flirt mad hard? What's worse is when the other person flirts back! You know who I'm talk about, BTW your girlfriend knows (or she will when she reads her messages). If you love someone stay loyal. If you don't why are you even in a relationship? The world makes me sick... people stealing from the Salvation Army? Abusing Animals & People. Wow. People can be so slimy and such scumbags! No picture for this.... why? Because i don't need to be reminded on how sick the world is. I'm sure this isn't what god intended for the world. :'( The world is so sick it makes me sick. Sick to the stomach, so sick i want to puke!

Broken Bottles

Sometimes you just have to let it out
just cry
don't bottle it up
bottles build up and break
let it all out
it's better for little stuff
to not build up
just don't let anyone see you
and your weaknesses

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Carpe Diem or Amitte diem?

If you don't wanna be caught, don't do it.
If you don't mean it, don't say it.
Live life everyday to the fullest, but remember
Someone is always watching you.
Someone is up there, watching you
Some say it's an angel or God
And they are looking after you
but sometimes I think they are laughing
Laughing because they know all
and we are so ignorant
because they know what everyone is thinking
they know the lies
they know the truth
Live everyday like someone is watching?
What a baby
What a loser
Live life to the fullest
Kiss strangers
Dance to the music in your head
Have fun
Wear clothes that don't match
because you don't give a f*ck about what others think
Do whatever you want
It could be illegal tomorrow
Love like there is no tomorrow
Don't be afraid to do want you want
Live like there is no tomorrow
for all you know...
There might not be

Sunday, December 19, 2010

How much would you do?

What would you do for love? Would you change what people know you for? By changing are you showing how much you love someone? If you quit something for love doesn't that just mean the other doesn't love you for you? Well if you change wouldn't that be the new you? Change happens even when you aren't in love with someone. Would you tell all of your darkest secrets? Would you leave your friends? Would you die like Romeo & Juliet? 

What would you do for that next kiss?
. . . . . . .
Would you kill?

You can change for good. Say someone you love hurt you over and over would you stay with them? If you do isn't that like suicide? Why would you hurt yourself? There is someone out there that will treat you good, though you may think that the one you love is the only one for you. It's possible to find a new love. Shutting that one door will open other doors, better doors. A new fresh you from changing, for love, for loving yourself.

Would you commit suicide? Like Romeo or Juliet?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Where you belong

So winter makes me write mushy poems sorta...It's cold and the season for cuddling! <3

Where you to me

Next to me, I feel your warmth
Next to me, is where you belong

Next to me, I feel your touch
Next to me, I feel your love

Next to me, I am tempted by your lips
Next to me, I want your kiss

Now that you have left, I feel this cold
Now that you have left, you aren't where you belong

Now that you have left, I miss your touch
Now that you have left, I need your love

Now that you have left, I want your lips
Now that you have left, I miss your kiss

Now that you have left, I'm lost with out you
Now that you have left, feel free to come back

Where have you gone?... I need you,
Please do come back to me love.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Did ya- BoA

Why would you wait. Why would you do that? If you truly love someone you avoid stepping on their toes. When someone asks you to do something.... When you need to be the best you can be why don't you try? It just shows that You never know what you have till its gone...

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


     My goal, post on this blog everyday and try to get someone I don't know interested. Someone to follow me... Goal FAILED >.< I can't seem to do it everyday, I said every other day... Why do I keep lowering my standards? I know I can do better. I just don't try. I told myself that I would stop picking at acne, fail. I told myself I would never cry over a boy, I have. It is stupid. I told myself I wouldn't let it happen again, but I did. I didn't say no, I said I would but no, I'm not strong enough to with hold the temptations. I told myself I'd leave it, I never did. I think about all of this and feel like a big FAIL.
     When I was little I could just fly through stuff, I understood it. Now I have gotten so used to not trying I am in trouble, for A's to C's... Even an E. I am not used to trying and I just don't. I need someone to ride me about it. Even better I need a friend to help me through it. Someone I can trust with everything...

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Little Things

Little things, like how you spin me around when we are holding hands.
Little things, like how you remember the little things.
Little things, like how you hold the door open.
Little things, like how you play with my hair.
Little things, like how you hold my hand.
Little things, like the kisses in the hall.
Little things, like how you look at me.
Little things, like how you hug me.
Little things, like when you smile.
Little things, like how I love you,
and all the little things you do.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Half full or half empty?

Don't you love how you know something is highly unlikely to happen, yet that .1% chance it could happen makes you scared. You worry. You step on the wrong step and it cracks the pressure is applied and the situation can take no more. The pot just boils over, makes a mess. How is it you know for the most part it won't happen yet you are scared? You think about it and you cry at the thought, the possibility, the slightest chance...
What happens with A you isn't going to be like B and you, B is a different person, different personality, better person yet you are scared. You are scared to lose what you have, you are attached. It's like getting a new puppy, you fall in love and that pup becomes part of you, inseparable. and when the puppy goes on, weather it has passed or ran away. You cry. You were attached. You loved it.
Should you take chances? Carpe Diem. Or be reserved have no life, shelter yourself.
Whatever you do people say positive is better. Stay positive the glass is half full. Well, sometimes it doesn't work. I have told myself, oh it will get better. Oh it's just a little spill, and guess what. I lied to myself somethings just got worse. Yes some got better but that's not the point. The point is that the times it didn't get better, it just did damage. Well sorry to say that glass is half empty, but it is. Don't lie to yourself. Don't be stupid.

Phone calls from you

I love those late night phone calls.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

5 Months with you.

5 Months... 22 Weeks... 154 Days... 3696 Hours... 221,760 Minutes... 13,305,600 Seconds
(Is my math right? Haha I hope so!)

I want to grow old with you, and be one of those cute old couples holding hands.
Happy 5 months hun!
I love you.