Friday, December 3, 2010

Half full or half empty?

Don't you love how you know something is highly unlikely to happen, yet that .1% chance it could happen makes you scared. You worry. You step on the wrong step and it cracks the pressure is applied and the situation can take no more. The pot just boils over, makes a mess. How is it you know for the most part it won't happen yet you are scared? You think about it and you cry at the thought, the possibility, the slightest chance...
What happens with A you isn't going to be like B and you, B is a different person, different personality, better person yet you are scared. You are scared to lose what you have, you are attached. It's like getting a new puppy, you fall in love and that pup becomes part of you, inseparable. and when the puppy goes on, weather it has passed or ran away. You cry. You were attached. You loved it.
Should you take chances? Carpe Diem. Or be reserved have no life, shelter yourself.
Whatever you do people say positive is better. Stay positive the glass is half full. Well, sometimes it doesn't work. I have told myself, oh it will get better. Oh it's just a little spill, and guess what. I lied to myself somethings just got worse. Yes some got better but that's not the point. The point is that the times it didn't get better, it just did damage. Well sorry to say that glass is half empty, but it is. Don't lie to yourself. Don't be stupid.

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